Game Officials Information...
Hello Basketball Officials - Great news, JPSports will be using High Rock Sports as its primary referee assignor, meaning same-day payments for most events and an assignor who will often be on-site supporting you. Officiate JPS tournaments and Leagues by getting certified with High Rock Sports; it should take about 5-10 minutes to register. We look forward to having you work the Freedom Classic and other upcoming JPSports events!
CERTIFICATION for High Rock Sports Game Officials - CLICK HERE.
Contact: Darren Pitzner (920) 728-0441, with any questions.
Game Officials Pay Scale Per Game, 5on5: (JPS 5on5 Games are Two 20-minute halves, stop-clock last 2-minutes; game duration 60-minutes)
Game Officials Pay Scale Per Game, 3on3 (JPS 3on3 Games are 23-minute running clock games; game duration 30-minutes)
Application (required to officiate JPS events):
Blank W9 forms (required to officiate JPS events):